We have a collective of services that you can access to support your health and wellbeing. Check out the list below and book directly with one of our practitioners.

Supervised Exercise Clinic

We all know that exercise is good for us.

Exercise is medicine.

When prescribed at the correct dose, exercise has the potential to:

  • help prevent many health conditions from arising,
  • it can help improve the management of many health issues,
  • and it can help you regain your health following a health scare, operation or injury.


When not prescribed properly, exercise can be causing havoc on your body, increasing your risk of damage or injury, or just not resulting in the benefits you should expect to see.

Our Exercise Clinic is run by Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologists who provide supervision and monitoring for individuals looking to use exercise in the most efficient and safe manner for their health journey.

Our Clinical Exercise Physiologists combine an in depth knowledge of both Sports Science and Medical Science to ensure that all of our clients experience the most up to date service for their condition or focus. We utilise evidence-based-practice to provide the most relevant and accurate information and recommendations to ensure your journey with us is as beneficial for you as it can be.


Our goal is to provide each individual with the knowledge and confidence to take control and ownership of their own health. 


Our Exercise Clinic is for anyone who:

  • Would like to take control of their health,
  • Would like to prevent a health condition from arising or improve their general health and fitness,
  • Would like to improve their management of a health condition,
  • Would like to get back to good health following a health scare, injury or operation.


Health conditions that we can help:

  • Heart disease (including cardiac rehabilitation)
  • Arthritis (including pre and post joint surgery)
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Cancer
  • Overweight issues
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Respiratory conditions
  • And many more!


Our Exercise Clinic opening hours are:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s: 6am to 12pm

Tuesday and Thursday’s: 7am to 10am


Contact us if you would like to know any more about clinical exercise physiology, any of the services above, or book a General Health Assessment or Comprehensive Cardiac Assessment here. 


One-on-One Supervised Training

One-on-One Supervised Training

Sometimes we need someone to tell us that we can, and that we are capable, even though our body might be telling our mind that it wants to give up.

Our specialised trainers have distinct area’s of expertise and interests from strength and conditioning, to mobility and flexibility, movement, and even dancing! Our trainers and clinical exercise physiologists have the knowledge and experience to ensure safe, effective and enjoyable sessions no matter where you are in your health or wellbeing journey. Whether as your regular routine, or part of your wider programme, one-on-one or small group sessions with our trainers are for:

  • Anyone wanting to improve or manage their health or achieve lifestyle goals
  • Anyone wanting to achieve athletic or sporting aspirations
  • Anyone living with any chronic health condition or injury that requires one-on-one supervision 


Check out our Trainer and Clinical Exercise Physiologists Caitlin and Hannah and flick them a message HERE or book in for a Health Assessment to start your journey.


Cost per person:  

One off/ once per week: 



For 2-3 sessions per week:


Group options also available.

Mental and Emotional Health Consultation with Wiremu Matthews

Integrative Health Consultation for Mental and Emotional Health

Our mental and emotional health can often be overlooked on our journey to better health and wellbeing. Our Integrative Health Consultation with Wiremu Matthews uses specific processes to facilitate change in people by addressing underlying unresolved negative emotions. It is these emotions which can keep us trapped in the limited beliefs and behaviours that often lead to poor health behaviours. This approach enables people to change formed habits, behaviours and beliefs that do not support their wellness, approaching the ‘authentic self’ who is inherently full of health and vitality and is self healing.

If you are:

  • Looking for a new approach to looking after yourself
  • Feeling ‘stuck’ and have tried all the conventional methods
  • Finding it difficult to pinpoint where you should focus your efforts for better health and wellbeing
  • Aware that you have physical symptoms that don’t seem to have a cause

The integrative health consultation takes 60 minutes and is a conversation about you and the concerns you have about your health and wellbeing. We will offer options during this conversation as well as teaching you about some of the theories about why we are the way that we are so that you can apply that knowledge to your circumstances.

Discussing our mental and emotional health can be a difficult conversation to start. For this reason, we have several different practitioners that specialise in areas of mental and emotional health. Give us a call or send us an email and we will organise a FREE 30minute initial consultation with one of our practitioners to ensure you are a right fit and comfortable with each other.

During your Integrative Health Consultations, we will talk with you about an action plan and can help you initiate and follow through with this plan during subsequent consultations. The cost of the Integrative Health Consultations are $150.

Integrative Health Massage and Mirimiri

Mirimiri and Massage

Mirimiri (massage) is a form of integrative health therapy that encompasses healing methods of holistic nurturing to restore balance between tinana (physical), wairua (spiritual), hinengaro (mental), ngakau (emotional) and whanau (collective family) well-being.

We are incredibly fortunate to have two wonderful therapists who each utilise their own unique styles to support our clients to provide a personalised experience that meets your needs. 

Mere has been practicing mirimiri for as long as she can remember. She has taken her passion for healing and combined it with the skills and knowledge gained through study in Reflexology, Reiki, Swedish massage, Hot Stone Massage and Spa. Her resulting practice is unique and highly effective.

Sinee learnt traditional Thai massage growing up in Thailand. She has been combining traditional Thai massage with Western practices over the past 10years. Also understanding the deep connection between body and mind, Sinee integrates a similar but different approach to massage compared with Mere.

Integrative Health Massage and Mirimiri are suitable for a range of clients, from children through to mature adults, athletes, people with health conditions such as cancer, heart, liver and kidney illnesses, recovering from injuries and those simply seeking to relax, unwind and still their busy mind.


  • 60minute massage $110

Book online HERE


Fast Track

Fast Track | Kai a Nuku

Eating food that comes mostly from plants is good for our bodies and also helps to support Papatūānuku (the earth). We have used evidence from science, principles from BlueZone communities and the mātauranga (knowledge) that is unique to our place in the world here in Aotearoa, to create FastTrack.

FastTrack is not a diet. It is a way of living that supports flourishing. It includes the fundamentals of eating foods that promote good health and is linked to the health and wellbeing services provided here at The Centre for Health.


Check out the Fast Track Website and experience a new way of incorporating kai into your life.




AKA the magic suit.

FLOWpresso offers a unique, non-invasive stimulation and drainage therapy. Used to enhance blood and lymphatic flow, to improve the cellular environment and promote relaxation and sleep management.


How does it work?

FLOWpresso is a combination of of three therapies:

  1. Each individual piece is fitted with individual chambers to provide a compression, similar to the physiological pressure, that aids the return of blood from the extremities to the heart and the removal of stagnating fluids (toxins) from the tissue, via the lymphatic system.  Unlike other compression systems FLOWpresso is designed to cover most of the body to improve lymphatic drainage.

  2. FLOWpresso provides a compression similar too, Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT). When applied to the body the parasympathetic system (the healing capacity of the body to rest, digest and repair the entire body) comes online, calming and bringing a sense of well-being.  DPT research has shown this therapy increases endorphin levels and release the “happy hormones” serotonin and dopamine.
  3. Far Infrared heat is offered within each individual piece.  A growing body of clinical evidence supports the use of Far Infrared heat as a non-invasive health promoting therapy.  Research to date has shown it has a sleep modulating effect and produces a blood-circulation enhancing effect, on human skin.


FLOWpresso maintains and encourages a general state of health and well-being and helps reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases and conditions. FLOWpresso has been seen to:

  • Improve circulation and lymphatic drainage;

  • Promote relaxation;

  • Improve energy;

  • Support stress management;

  • Improve recovery in health and sport;

  • Improve endurance in sport;

  • Promote sleep management, which may help when living with anxiety, chronic fatigue, stress-associated conditions;

  • Improve general mobility;

  • Promote weight loss;

  • Relieve tiredness and heaviness in the arms/legs;

  • Improve health and well-being

  • Many more…..



A FLOWpresso session lasts between 35 and 45 minutes but please allow an hour, as there is time required to get you set up in the garment and then removed.


Side Effects

Side effects are very similar to a massage or Lymphatic Therapy for e.g increased urination, bowel motion and headache. We do suggest you drink 1-2 glasses of water prior to the session as well as with post therapy to reduce chances of detoxification symptoms.



A single FLOWPresso session $80

The real benefits of FLOWpresso can be felt, seen and established for some following consecutive sessions over a 3 or 6 week time period. Because of this, we have developed the following packages:

3 session package (paid and booked in advance): $210

6 session package (paid and booked in advance): $420


Book your session/s HERE.

Sports Science Testing, Development and Conditioning for athletes

We think athletes are people who are trying to get their bodies and minds to perform at the most optimal level possible.

Efficiency is the aim of an athlete. Athletes are not necessarily Olympians (although they can be), and they are certainly not just those still blessed with youth. Athletes are people who have goals to achieve that require their bodies and minds to do what they are told, when they are told to do it. There is much science that goes into being an athlete these days. We can help you tune your body and mind so that the pathway toward your goal is smooth.

Lactate Threshold Testing

Lactate threshold testing is a key physiological test for athletes who want to ensure that they are training at the appropriate intensity to improve performance. The lactate threshold test involves performing exercise at increasing levels of intensity for about 15-25 minutes. We will take a small blood sample from your fingertip or earlobe at the end of each stage of the test which will be used to determine your blood lactate level at each stage.

The results of your test will be used to prescribe accurate training zones for your training programme. We can perform the lactate test in a sport specific manner for all athletes.

The cost of a lactate threshold test is $230 and the cost includes a comprehensive report. We can discuss the report with yourself and/or your coach, or work with you to implement a training plan using your results.

We can combine a lactate threshold test with a VO2max test. The cost of the combined test in $275.

Drop us a note here to book or to enquire further about a lactate threshold or combined lactate threshold and VO2max test.

VO2max Testing

A VO2max test is a measure of your aerobic capacity or fitness. We use direct gas analysis to assess the amount of oxygen your body utilises during exercise.

Measuring your VO2max gives you a fundamental measure of your bodies capacity or ability to exercise. Top level endurance athletes will have a very high VO2max as their bodies are very efficient at utilising oxygen and carbon dioxide during exercise. Whereas those who have a very low VO2max are at a greater risk of death from all causes. This is why we use VO2max testing not only in athletes, but also for those who are either living with or are at risk of developing chronic health conditions, or prior to elective surgeries.

The VO2max test involves performing exercise at increasing levels of intensity for between 8 and 12 minutes while wearing a mask that measures the oxygen and carbon dioxide ratios in the air you are breathing in and out.

The results of your test can be used to prescribe training zones to help you train more efficiently toward your goal. Repeated tests can help to determine the effectiveness of your training plan, improvements in aerobic capacity and improvements in running or cycling economy.

The cost of a VO2max test is $190 and the cost includes a comprehensive report. We can discuss the report and findings with yourself and/or your coach, or work with you to implement a training plan from the results.

We can combine a VO2max test lactate threshold test. The cost of the combined test in $275. (Please note, the duration of a combined assessment is 90minutes).

Drop us a note here to book or to enquire further about a lactate threshold or combined lactate threshold and VO2max test.

Sports Nutrition Consultation

Our sports nutrition consultation is for athletes (of all levels) who want to use food to their advantage. There is so much information about food available, much of which appears contradictory, that sometimes knowing what works best for you can be very difficult

The assessment takes 30 minutes and will include an assessment of your current eating pattern and content of your diet while considering your training schedule and competition calendar. You will be asked to complete a food diary prior to coming to your appointment and we will use that information as the basis for a conversation.

We will make an action plan for your nutrition which could be a structured menu plan or simply options to choose from for different meals. We will listen to your personal tastes and identify lots of options that will both be yummy and serve your health.

The cost of a nutrition consultation is $180 (which includes the 45 minute consultation and additional time spent building your meal plan and recipes) and you can book here.

Physical Conditioning

We provide comprehensive training advice that can includes, periodisation, field and gym based programmes and one-on-one training sessions across all sports.

Our physical conditioning programmes are individually prescribed, and based on:

  • your results from physiological testing, and;
  • the specific requirements of your sport or event

We focus on performance enhancement increasing athletic ability so athletes can; throw further, jump higher, run faster and move more quickly with agility and coordination.

Injury prevention is important in any physical conditioning programme (especially for young athletes). All of our programmes include injury prevention.

Sports Specific Testing

Our services cater for athletes from elite level through to development and masters. Improved performance through the application of evidence based best practice is at the core of all our services. This means combining laboratory and field based testing. Correctly identifying and targeting the large variations in the physical requirements to compete in different sports, is the key to sport specific testing. We will interpret testing results, so that they are most meaningful to you and/or your team.

The cost of testing depends on the battery of tests required. Send us a note here to enquire about sport specific testing.

Junior Athlete Development

Teaching young athletes how to train effectively will reduce the incidence of injury and burnout while providing a stable foundation for continued sports performance into adulthood. We can provide basic seminars for young teams or a comprehensive testing and physical condition programme.

Drop us a note here to organise a time for a chat or to find out a bit more about how we can help your young athletes.


Do you need an expert to come and speak to your team? We are happy to tailor a seminar to your needs. Most seminars are between 60 and 90 minutes in duration and we can cover topics such as nutrition (training and/or competition), mindset and motivation, time management for athletes, injury prevention and much more.

Research Collaboration

Learning is a lifelong journey and we are proud to have an active research arm that supports our programmes at the Centre for Health.

We like to do research that you think is meaningful to families and communities, as opposed to research that we think is meaningful. When we have a conversation with groups about a potential research project we always ask “What does good health mean to you?” Knowing the answer to that question ensures we are focused on your view of the world, not ours.

What questions do you have about the health and wellbeing of your family or community? What do you think could be changed to enhance the lives of those around you?

We have the academic and practical skills to perform robust, high-quality research. We look forward to a conversation with you soon.

Maori Health

In all areas of our work we adhere to a ‘whole of person’ view of the health. A Maori model of health represents this whole of person idea really well, and then includes a cultural aspect as well, which is important.

Sir Professor Mason Durie’s model Te Whare Tapa Wha (The four-walled house) is a commonly used Maori health model in New Zealand and explains that for a person to be well, all four aspects of health (or all four walls of the house) must be strong.

Based on this model the four aspects are tinana (physical), hinengaro (mental and emotional), whanau (family) and wairua (spirituality and beliefs).

We acknowledge that a person and their family should be looked after and have services provided for them that aligns with their view of the world, therefore we provide kaupapa Maori services and research projects.

If you have another cultural context (e.g. Kiwi or Pacific) we aim to provide all our services in a culturally appropriate manner, regardless of your worldview.






Seminars / Workshops / Speaking Events
Our team is always keen to share their knowledge with others. Everyone has the ability to shift from where they are now to a place that is more comfortable, but perhaps a motivational interaction is what is needed to get the ball rolling.

We regularly facilitate seminars and workshops in the following topics, but we can tailor a session to your needs as well:

  • Kaupapa Maori approaches to health
  • Engaging Communities in health and research
  • Heart health
  • Workplace Health and Wellbeing
  • Stress management
  • Nutrition
  • Benefits of exercise for body and mind
  • Whole of person health
  • Wairuatanga (spirituality)
  • Strengthening your natural immune system
  • How thoughts and feelings can cause physical symptoms
  • A natural health approach to cancer and all chronic diseases
  • Achieving a performance mindset
  • Why do I keep doing things I know are not good for me?
  • Optimising stress for health and performance

You can request a seminar or workshop here. Alternatively you can request a specific person to facilitate by contacting Anna, Wiremu or Hannah directly.

Workplace Wellness

We spend a huge part of our lives at work. For us, here at the Centre for Health, we love what we do, so it’s less like work and more just what we do each day.

To be effective and efficient in any work, we need to consider our health and wellbeing. More and more, work is talked about as a part of life that needs to be balanced with other things to ensure we do not become overloaded and experience the effects of stress.

We all have stress in our lives but it’s become a bit ‘normal’ so we don’t feel the need to discuss it or even acknowledge its existence. The reality is that stress can cause physical changes in our bodies that lead to disease. Stress also has an obvious psychological component that can impact on our work and personal lives.

We offer a structured corporate health programme for workplaces that can be tailored to your organization.

We provide expertise, guidance and support on a wide range of health and wellbeing topics including:

  • nutrition
  • exercise
  • resilience
  • stress management
  • sleep
  • mindset
  • connection work / life balance and workplace culture and environment

Your workplace package could be as easy as a one-off seminar or a series of seminars through to a complex package that includes clinical assessments, workshops, and use of our interactive platform so that your staff can be engaged from any location.

Contact us for more information here

Use our online booking system!


Manawa Ora Centre 103 Third Ave, Tauranga 3110, Bay of Plenty New Zealand p +64 7 578 6624 | f +64 7 281 1234 PO Box 13068 Tauranga 3141

The Centre For Health