Do you want to know more about managing your health and wellbeing? Health and wellbeing assessments are for anyone who is looking for a comprehensive assessment of their health and wellbeing, and an action plan for ongoing management. If you have a health condition or are simply wanting to make sure you are on the right track with your lifestyle, then one of our health and wellbeing assessments is for you.
Our Health Assessments are run by registered Clinical Exercise Physiologists.
The assessments are tailored to you.
We use evidence-based-best-practice (information from research and our own experience) in creating your health assessment.
We start with a conversation about you, your lifestyle and goals and your medical history.
We then undertake several checks which might include measures like body composition, cholesterol, diabetes risk assessment, lung capacity among others.
Most assessments will also include an ECG monitored exercise test.
We think about health as the things that keep our body fit and able.
General Health Assessment (45minutes)
The General Health Assessment is for anyone who is trying to prevent, manage or rehabilitate from any health condition, disease or injury.
- We can tell you your current health and fitness and then create an action plan to improve
- We can help you manage a health condition like high cholesterol or blood pressure, diabetes or support your weight loss journey
- If you have recently had a health scare such as a stroke, heart attack or injury we can support your rehabilitation so that you feel safe and confident.
Using the measures and tools from this assessment, our Clinical Exercise Physiologists can help you to devise an action plan that works with you, your life and any other specialists that you are working with to improve, maintain, or get you back on track with living your best life.
Cost of the General Health Assessment: $220
Option to add Cardio-Pulmonary fitness analysis: $40
Comprehensive Cardiac Assessment (45 minutes)
Your heart is the most hard working organ in our body. It is most common to have your heart assessed at rest while you are sitting in a chair or lying on a bed. Our Comprehensive Cardiac Assessment allows us to assess your heart and how it is working both at rest and under stress.
We use key measures to assess your cardiac function and your risk of having a heart event like a heart attack. We then work with you to develop a plan to reduce your risk and to improve your heart health.
If you have:
- A family history of heart disease, and/or
- Are concerned about the long term impact your lifestyle is having on your heart, or
- You would like to know about your heart function,
Then this is the assessment for you.
All Comprehensive Cardiac Assessment’s include a specific ECG monitored exercise test. Depending on your health and functional ability, this may require you to exercise to high levels of intensity.
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is the gold standard of assessing the fitness of your heart and lungs. CPET involves breathing into a mask whilst exercising at gradually increasing levels of intensity. People with low cardiopulmonary fitness have a significantly elevated risk of developing heart disease. The good news, is by measuring your cardiopulmonary fitness, we can determine if you are at an elevated risk and do something about it! We can add Cardio-Pulmonary analysis to your assessment, though if this is your first assessment with us, get in touch first to see if we utilise it now or wait for a follow-up appointment.
Cost of the Comprehensive Cardiac Assessment: $220
Option to add Cardio-Pulmonary fitness analysis: $40
Stress Test (45 minutes)
Stress is an independent risk factor for heart disease.
Stress is a silent killer. Mostly we do not notice the damage until it is too late. We are not very good at managing stress because it is normal for everyone to be busy. We have families and jobs and have to get through the traffic each day. Those things are all stressful, and they are also normal.
The negative impact that low to moderate stress has on us, especially over long periods of time, we do not see.
The Stress Test is highly recommended for everyone, especially those who are busy, have regular intervals of stress at work, experience anxiety or worry, and for people who simply want to make sure they are well.
During this assessment, we assess your heart rate, blood pressure, ECG and how hard you feel like you are working at each stage of a specific treadmill test (it’s not a very hard treadmill test tho – we promise!). These measurements tell us whether or not you respond in a normal way to stress. An exaggerated stress response might be a pre-curser to the development of things such as high blood pressure and heart disease.
The Stress Test helps illustrate what impact stress is having on you. We use the measurements to implement an action plan that will guide you through steps to reduce your stress response.
Cost of the Stress Test is $220.
Pre-Operative Prehabiliation Assessment (45-60 minutes)
This assessment is for anyone deciding on, or already on a waiting list for an elective surgery. Operations put huge amounts of stress and strain on the body, especially the heart.
Low cardiopulmonary fitness (strength of your heart and lungs) is linked with the risk of complications both during and after your surgery. Your cardiopulmonary fitness before surgery also has an impact on your surgery outcomes and rate of recovery.
Often the wait for an elective surgery, such as a joint replacement can be weeks or even months. That waiting time provides the perfect opportunity for improving your cardiopulmonary fitness and muscular strength.
An ECG monitored Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) will assess your current level of fitness, and highlight what needs to be done prior to surgery to improve your outcomes. A CPET involves wearing a mask whilst exercising on either a treadmill or bike.
A conversation, other health checks and possible strength assessment (of the affected joint if applicable) will help to develop a Pre-habilitation plan that will help to build your fitness and strength, minimise the risks associated with your operation and improve your recovery speed post op. We can also work with your other specialists such as surgeons or physiotherapists.
Your surgeon and anaesthetist will thank you for it!
Cost of the Pre-Operative Assessment is $260.
Know Your Numbers (20-30 minutes)
We firmly believe that only when we take ownership of our own health journey can we truly make a life long impact.
However in order to take ownership of our health, we need to first understand our health and have the knowledge and tools to implement changes and seek help that is beneficial to our health journey. Only when you understand your health can you ask the right questions!
Our Know Your Numbers consultation is for anyone who wants to completely understand what ‘those numbers’ mean, and what you can do about them from a lifestyle perspective.
This is an abbreviated version of our full health assessments above and is recommended for anyone just starting on their health journey, wanting a more thorough discussion and understanding of certain measurements, or simply wanting to monitor how they going.
During this 30minute consultation, we will assess:
- Your blood pressure,
- Your cholesterol,
- Your HbA1c (diabetes risk),
- Your lung capacity,
- Your heart rhythm,
- and Anthropometry measures if necessary (weight, waist and hip circumference).
You will leave the consultation with a thorough understanding of what those numbers mean, and what you can do to improve or manage them. You will receive a report with all of the points that we discussed during your assessment including the definitions of each measurement and how your result impacts on your health.
Follow-up 20minute consultations will include the same measurements being taken so that you can assess the progress you have made. Positive changes can be seen within 3 months if regular steps are taken to address any area of concern identified during your initial consultation.
Cost of your initial 30minute Know Your Numbers consultation is $125. This includes a full report and recommendations.
Follow-up 20minute Know Your Numbers consultation is $85. This includes a progress report with possible further recommendations.
When you book in for your Health Assessment, you will be sent a questionnaire that will help us to design the measures and tools that we will use in your assessment.
You can be referred for a health assessment by your doctor, cardiologist or other health professional.
Or you can refer yourself and book in below.
Book your Health Assessment now.
We think about wellbeing as a concept wider than the health of your body. Wellbeing is about all the other things in life that are important for you to live well.
How you feel about yourself, your emotions and your psychological wellbeing. If you are so inclined then also things about your beliefs, spirituality, religion and your purpose here on this earth. Wellbeing is about living well, even if your physical body is not in a classic state of wellness. Wellbeing is about finding a path that you are happy walking. There are many paths to wellness. We can provide just the right mix of science, open-mindedness and compassion to support you on your wellness journey.
Your Wellness Check is conducted by Wiremu Matthews our Integrative Health Consultant. Wiremu can help you take the initial steps on your wellness journey and support you on your path.
Improve your wellbeing today.